Wednesday, March 13, 2019


We can all quote Matthew 22 “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind…” But have we mistakenly reduced that to an emotional state of being? The question really is “what is love?” Many songs have tried to redefine it. Our generation has tried to redefine it. But the original definition is laid out in the scripture by the author of love Himself through his servant Paul in 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is Patient. Kind. Gentle. Long-suffering. Not Boasting. Not envying. Not proud. Not self-seeking. Keeps no records of wrong. Rejoices in the truth. Protects. Trusts. Hopes. And Endures.”
I mean, come on. We can’t reduce love to an emotion. When was the last time you FELT like being patient or kind, or anything on that list? They are all DECISIONS that we get to make in the grace of God! Are you choosing love today?