A blogsite for worshippers.. People who loved to worship God in spirit and truth. Messages of salvation,motivation and hope. Spiritual songs and videos
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
We can all quote Matthew 22 “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind…” But have we mistakenly reduced that to an emotional state of being? The question really is “what is love?” Many songs have tried to redefine it. Our generation has tried to redefine it. But the original definition is laid out in the scripture by the author of love Himself through his servant Paul in 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is Patient. Kind. Gentle. Long-suffering. Not Boasting. Not envying. Not proud. Not self-seeking. Keeps no records of wrong. Rejoices in the truth. Protects. Trusts. Hopes. And Endures.”
I mean, come on. We can’t reduce love to an emotion. When was the last time you FELT like being patient or kind, or anything on that list? They are all DECISIONS that we get to make in the grace of God! Are you choosing love today?
I mean, come on. We can’t reduce love to an emotion. When was the last time you FELT like being patient or kind, or anything on that list? They are all DECISIONS that we get to make in the grace of God! Are you choosing love today?
Friday, February 8, 2019
In John 11, we often celebrate the resurrection of Lazarus as if THAT is the pinnacle of the story. I submit that the miracle of Lazarus’s resurrection isn’t even the point of the story. He was under the command of Jesus, his creator. OF COURSE, he was going to come back to life! The point is what happened after he was raised. He came out wrapped in grave clothes. And Jesus commanded those standing by to unwrap his grave clothes so he could walk free. We can be raised to new life and still be in bondage until those nearby are willing to touch (and unwrap) our grave clothes. In what ways can worship ministry unwrap the grave clothes of those whom we serve?
Thursday, February 7, 2019
194 Names of God in Yoruba Language and translated to English Language
1. Oluwa, (Lord)
2. Oluwa wa, (Our Lord)
3. Olorun, (God)
4. Olorun wa, (Our God)
5. Oluwa awon oluwa, (The Lord of lords)
6. Olorun awon olorun, (The God of gods)
7. Kabiyeesi, (The King)
8. Oba awon oba,( King of kings)
9. Olodumare,( The Almighty)
10. Arugbo ojo,(Ancient of days)
11. Olorun agbalagba,( Ancient of days)
12. Adagba ma paaro oye,(Unchanging God)
13. Olorun ti o yipada, (Unchanging God)
14. Olorun kan lailai,( The only God)
15. Ikan lana,(Same yesterday)
16. Ikan loni, (Same today)
17. Ikan lola, (Same tomorrow)
18. Okan titi aye ainipekun, ( The same forever)
19. Oba ti mbe nibi gbogbo nigba gbogbo,( the ubiquitous God)
20. Metalokan,( The trinity)
21. Olorun Baba,(God the Father)
22. Olorun Omo,(God the son)
23. Olorun Emi Mimo, (God the Holy spirit)
24. Olorun Abrahamu, (God of Abraham)
25. Olorun Isaki, (God of Isaac)
26. Olorun Jakobu, (God of Jacob)
27. Olorun owu,(The jealous God)
28. Olorun ti kii s'enia ti yio paro, (God that is not man that could change)
29. Alewilese, (He that can Speak and Act)
30. Aleselewi, (He that can Act and Speak)
31. Owibee sebee, (He that Speaks and Acts)
32. Awimayehun, ( He who Speaks and does not change His words)
33. Asoromaye, (He who prophesize and comes to past)
34. Onimajemu,( Covenant keeping God)
35. Olulana,(The wonderful way maker)
36. Olorun oro (Word), (The God of spoken word)
37. Oba to ti o gbe oro Re ga ju Oruko Re lo, (The God who exalts his word more that his name)
38. Olutoju wa, (Our Keeper)
39. Onibuore,(God whose barn is full of blessing)
40. Afunni ma s’iregun,(The God who blesses without asking for reward)
41. Adanimagbagbe, (The creator who never forgets the created)
42. Oyigiyigi, (Great and Mighty)
43. Alakoso orun at’aye, (The God of Heaven)
44. Atogbojule,(Dependable God)
45. Alagbawi eda,(Defender)
46. Alagbada ina, (He that covers Himself with fire branded robe)
47. Alawotele oorun,(He whose underwear is Sun)
48. Asorodayo,(The God who gives joy)
49. Oba t'o mu 'banuje tan,(God who puts end to sorrow)
50. Ogbeja k'eru o ba onija,(God who fights for the defenseless)
51. Jagunjagun ode orun,(The great warrior of heaven)
52. Olowogbogboro,(God whose hand is long enough to reach at any length)
53. Olorun awon omo ogun,(The great warrior)
54. Aduro tini bi akoni eleru,(The faithful God)
55. Eru jeje l'eti okun pupa,( The Most powerful by the red sea)
56. Oba t'o mu iji dake roro,(God who commands the storm, peace be still)
57. Alaabo,(Our keeper)
58. Oluso,(Our guard)
59. Olupamo,(Our keeper)
60. Oludande,(Our deliverer)
61. Olugbala,(Our saviour)
62. Olutusile,(God of freedom)
63. Oludariji,(Our forgiver)
64. Oba t'o se'gun agbara ese, (God who delivers from hold of sin)
65. Oba t'o san gbogbo 'gbese wa,(God who pays the price for our sins)
66. Olorun ajinde,(The resurrected Lord)
67. Olutunu,(Our comforter)
68. Olufe okan wa,(My lover)
69. Oba t'o yan wa fe,(God who has predestined us)
70. Olusegun,(The conqueror)
71. Ajasegun, (The conqueror)
72. Gbanigbani ni'jo ogun le,(Our defense in time of war)
73. Ogbagba ti ngb'ara adugbo,( The Protector)
74. Oba t'o pin okun pupa n'iya,( God who parted the red sea)
75. Olorun t'o mu Jodani sa niwaju awon omo Re, (God who parted the river Jordan)
76. Oba t'o bi odi Jeriko wo,(God who fell down the walls of Jericho)
77. Olorun t'o kolu Egipiti l'ara awon akobi re,(God who killed the first born of the Egyptians)
78. Oba t'o ju gbogbo orisa lo,(The Almighty God)
79. Olorun t'o tobi ju gbogbo aye lo,(Greater than all the earth)
80. Oba t'o da monamona fun ojo, (The God who created lightening for the rain)
81. Aimope ani oje,
82. Oba to j'ewe at'egbo lo,
83. Oba to ni owa t'owa,(The God who commands)
84. Oba t'oni olo, t'olo, (The God who commands)
85. Oba t'oni k'owa, t'owa, (The God who commands)
86. Oba t'oni k'omasi, ti o si si mo,(The God who can close a door and no man can open)
87. Oba t'ao ri, sugbon t'ari ise owo Re,(The unseen God but we can feel his impact)
88. Olorun t'o n gbo adura, (God who hears prayers)
89. Oba t'o n dahun adura, (Prayer answering God)
90. Olorun t'ape t'o n je,(The God that you can call and he will answer)
91. Oba t'o n dahun adura pelu ina,(God that answered by fire)
92. Eleda,(Creator)
93. Akoda aye,(The first among all things)
94. Aseda orun,(He established the heavens)
95. Oba t'o fi'di aye s'ole s'ori omi,( He who established the earth on waters)
96. Oba t'o mo wa (The Potter),
97. Oba t'o mo wa ( He that knoweth us),
98. Oba t'o mo ohun gbogbo,(The all knowing God)
99. Olorun t'o le se ohun gbogbo,(God who can do all things)
100. Oba ti ohun gbogbo nbe n'ikawo Re,(God who has the whole world in his hands)
101. Oba to joko soke orun to f'ile aye se itise Re,(He makes the heaven his seat and the earth his foot stool)
102. Oba ti ntu won ka nibi ti won nti da'na iro,(He who causes confusion in the camp of the enemy)
103. Atererekariaye,(He spreads out across the earth)
104. Eletigb'aroye,(The great hear that hears all over the world)
105. Alatilehin,(Our succor)
106. Alaanu,(Merciful God)
107. Oba ti aanu Re duro lailai,(God whose mercies endureth for ever)
108. Oba alade alafia,(The Prince of peace)
109. Oloore ofe,(The gracious god)
110. Olorun ife,(The God of Love)
111. Olorun ayo,(The God that gives Joy)
112. Olutunu,(Comforter)
113. Olubukun,(The blessed God)
114. Onise iyanu,(Miracle worker)
115. Onise ara,(Wonderful)
116. Onise nla,(Great God)
117. Mimo, Mimo, Mimo,(Holy! Holy! Holy)
118. Oba t'o ninu mimo,(Righteous God)
119. Oba alaya funfun,(Immaculate God)
120. Ologo meta, (The Trinity)
121. Olotito,(The Truthful)
122. Olododo,(The Truthful)
123. Iye,(Resurrection)
124. Aduro gboingboin lehin asotito,(Defender of the Truthful)
125. Imole ninu okunkun aye,(The light in darkness)
126. Alagbara l'orun ati l'aye,(Mighty in heaven and on the earth)
127. Oba ti nyoni kuro ninu ofin aye,(God who rescues from the dungeon)
128. Atofarati,(Our defense)
129. Atogbokanle,(The trustworthy God)
130. Atofokante,(Our Confidant)
131. Adunbarin,(Worthy to walk with)
132. Adunbalo, (Worthy to follow)
133. Adunkepe,(God you can call on)
134. Apata ayeraye,(The rock of ages)
135. Atobiju,(The Almighty)
136. Atofarati bi oke,(Our support and defense)
137. Apata wa,(Our rock of Ages)
138. Odi wa,(Our shield)
139. Alabarin aye wa, (Our companion)
140. Olupese,(Our provider)
141. Olugbega,(The lifter of our head)
142. Oluranlowo,(Our help)
143. Ireti wa,(Our hope)
144. Olu aye,(God on earth)
145. Olu orun,(God in heaven)
146. Oba ti gbobo oba nt'owo Re gb'ase,(Kings from whom kings take directives)
147. Adakedajo, (He who Judges silently)
148. Adajo ma fi t'enikan se,(The just Judge)
149. Oba ti kii s'ojusaju,(The just God)
150. Oba t'enikan o le pe l'ejo,(The king that can not be judged)
151. Oba aseyiowu,(Unquestionable God)
152. Oba tii s'agan d'olomo,(The God who opens the womb of the barren)
153. Abiyamo ode orun,(The great mother of heaven)
154. Atorise,(God who can turn bad situation to good)
155. As'oloriburuku d'olorire,(God who can remove the inadequacies from ones life)
156. Arinu r'ode,(God who sees the visible and the invisible,)
157. Olumoranokan eda, (He who sees the intent of the heart of man)
158. Oludamoran (The Great adviser)
159. Baba wa,(Abba father)
160. Ore wa,(Our friend)
161. Ibi isadi wa,(Our refugee)
162. Aabo wa,(our protector)
163. Oluwosan,(the healer)
164. Asoku d'alaye,(He who brings the dead to life)
165. Olorun alaaye,(God of the living)
166. Oba ti n p'ojo iku da,(God who can change appointment with death)
167. Oba ti emi gbogbo enia wa l'owo Re,( He who has the keys to our existence)
168. Oba ti nti t'enikan o lesi,(He who shuts and no one can open)
169. Oba ti nsi t'enikan o leti,(He who opens and no one can close)
170. Awamaridi,(Unsearchable God)
171. Eleruniyin,
172. Abetilukara bi ajere,(God who is all ears)
173. Aiku,(Living God)
174. Aisa,(Faithful)
175. Oba ti ki sun, ti ki togbe (The king that neither sleeps nor slumbers)
176. Oba onise nla,(The great worker of good)
177. Onigbonwo wa, (Our sponsor)
178. Olorun pipe,(Perfect God)
179. Olorun rere,(Good God)
180. Akiri s'ore,(He who goes about doing good)
181. As'ore kiiri, ,(He who goes about doing good)
182. Gbongbo idile Jesse,(The root of the tribe of Jesse)
183. Oba t'o f'oro da ile aye,(He that created all things by his spoken word)
184. Oba to ti wa k'aye o towa,(He who was in existence before creation)
185. Oba ti o ma wa nigba t'aye o ni si mo,(He who will remain at the end of all things)
186. Oloruko nla,(The great name)
187. Ologojulo,(The glorious God)
188. Emi ni ti nje Emi ni,(I am the I am)
189. Oba t'oni gbogbo ope,(He who deserves all praise)
190. Olorun t'oni gbogbo iyin, ,(He who deserves all honour)
191. Oba ti ko ni pin ogo Re pel’enikankan,(God that does not share his glory with any man)
192. Oba t'o ti wa, t'o si wa, ti o si ma wa lailai, (The God that was, that is and that will remain for ever)
193. Ibere ati opin,(The Alpha and omega)
194. OBA AKIKITAN,(Eternity will not be enough to praise and honour you, O Lord)
1. Oluwa, (Lord)
2. Oluwa wa, (Our Lord)
3. Olorun, (God)
4. Olorun wa, (Our God)
5. Oluwa awon oluwa, (The Lord of lords)
6. Olorun awon olorun, (The God of gods)
7. Kabiyeesi, (The King)
8. Oba awon oba,( King of kings)
9. Olodumare,( The Almighty)
10. Arugbo ojo,(Ancient of days)
11. Olorun agbalagba,( Ancient of days)
12. Adagba ma paaro oye,(Unchanging God)
13. Olorun ti o yipada, (Unchanging God)
14. Olorun kan lailai,( The only God)
15. Ikan lana,(Same yesterday)
16. Ikan loni, (Same today)
17. Ikan lola, (Same tomorrow)
18. Okan titi aye ainipekun, ( The same forever)
19. Oba ti mbe nibi gbogbo nigba gbogbo,( the ubiquitous God)
20. Metalokan,( The trinity)
21. Olorun Baba,(God the Father)
22. Olorun Omo,(God the son)
23. Olorun Emi Mimo, (God the Holy spirit)
24. Olorun Abrahamu, (God of Abraham)
25. Olorun Isaki, (God of Isaac)
26. Olorun Jakobu, (God of Jacob)
27. Olorun owu,(The jealous God)
28. Olorun ti kii s'enia ti yio paro, (God that is not man that could change)
29. Alewilese, (He that can Speak and Act)
30. Aleselewi, (He that can Act and Speak)
31. Owibee sebee, (He that Speaks and Acts)
32. Awimayehun, ( He who Speaks and does not change His words)
33. Asoromaye, (He who prophesize and comes to past)
34. Onimajemu,( Covenant keeping God)
35. Olulana,(The wonderful way maker)
36. Olorun oro (Word), (The God of spoken word)
37. Oba to ti o gbe oro Re ga ju Oruko Re lo, (The God who exalts his word more that his name)
38. Olutoju wa, (Our Keeper)
39. Onibuore,(God whose barn is full of blessing)
40. Afunni ma s’iregun,(The God who blesses without asking for reward)
41. Adanimagbagbe, (The creator who never forgets the created)
42. Oyigiyigi, (Great and Mighty)
43. Alakoso orun at’aye, (The God of Heaven)
44. Atogbojule,(Dependable God)
45. Alagbawi eda,(Defender)
46. Alagbada ina, (He that covers Himself with fire branded robe)
47. Alawotele oorun,(He whose underwear is Sun)
48. Asorodayo,(The God who gives joy)
49. Oba t'o mu 'banuje tan,(God who puts end to sorrow)
50. Ogbeja k'eru o ba onija,(God who fights for the defenseless)
51. Jagunjagun ode orun,(The great warrior of heaven)
52. Olowogbogboro,(God whose hand is long enough to reach at any length)
53. Olorun awon omo ogun,(The great warrior)
54. Aduro tini bi akoni eleru,(The faithful God)
55. Eru jeje l'eti okun pupa,( The Most powerful by the red sea)
56. Oba t'o mu iji dake roro,(God who commands the storm, peace be still)
57. Alaabo,(Our keeper)
58. Oluso,(Our guard)
59. Olupamo,(Our keeper)
60. Oludande,(Our deliverer)
61. Olugbala,(Our saviour)
62. Olutusile,(God of freedom)
63. Oludariji,(Our forgiver)
64. Oba t'o se'gun agbara ese, (God who delivers from hold of sin)
65. Oba t'o san gbogbo 'gbese wa,(God who pays the price for our sins)
66. Olorun ajinde,(The resurrected Lord)
67. Olutunu,(Our comforter)
68. Olufe okan wa,(My lover)
69. Oba t'o yan wa fe,(God who has predestined us)
70. Olusegun,(The conqueror)
71. Ajasegun, (The conqueror)
72. Gbanigbani ni'jo ogun le,(Our defense in time of war)
73. Ogbagba ti ngb'ara adugbo,( The Protector)
74. Oba t'o pin okun pupa n'iya,( God who parted the red sea)
75. Olorun t'o mu Jodani sa niwaju awon omo Re, (God who parted the river Jordan)
76. Oba t'o bi odi Jeriko wo,(God who fell down the walls of Jericho)
77. Olorun t'o kolu Egipiti l'ara awon akobi re,(God who killed the first born of the Egyptians)
78. Oba t'o ju gbogbo orisa lo,(The Almighty God)
79. Olorun t'o tobi ju gbogbo aye lo,(Greater than all the earth)
80. Oba t'o da monamona fun ojo, (The God who created lightening for the rain)
81. Aimope ani oje,
82. Oba to j'ewe at'egbo lo,
83. Oba to ni owa t'owa,(The God who commands)
84. Oba t'oni olo, t'olo, (The God who commands)
85. Oba t'oni k'owa, t'owa, (The God who commands)
86. Oba t'oni k'omasi, ti o si si mo,(The God who can close a door and no man can open)
87. Oba t'ao ri, sugbon t'ari ise owo Re,(The unseen God but we can feel his impact)
88. Olorun t'o n gbo adura, (God who hears prayers)
89. Oba t'o n dahun adura, (Prayer answering God)
90. Olorun t'ape t'o n je,(The God that you can call and he will answer)
91. Oba t'o n dahun adura pelu ina,(God that answered by fire)
92. Eleda,(Creator)
93. Akoda aye,(The first among all things)
94. Aseda orun,(He established the heavens)
95. Oba t'o fi'di aye s'ole s'ori omi,( He who established the earth on waters)
96. Oba t'o mo wa (The Potter),
97. Oba t'o mo wa ( He that knoweth us),
98. Oba t'o mo ohun gbogbo,(The all knowing God)
99. Olorun t'o le se ohun gbogbo,(God who can do all things)
100. Oba ti ohun gbogbo nbe n'ikawo Re,(God who has the whole world in his hands)
101. Oba to joko soke orun to f'ile aye se itise Re,(He makes the heaven his seat and the earth his foot stool)
102. Oba ti ntu won ka nibi ti won nti da'na iro,(He who causes confusion in the camp of the enemy)
103. Atererekariaye,(He spreads out across the earth)
104. Eletigb'aroye,(The great hear that hears all over the world)
105. Alatilehin,(Our succor)
106. Alaanu,(Merciful God)
107. Oba ti aanu Re duro lailai,(God whose mercies endureth for ever)
108. Oba alade alafia,(The Prince of peace)
109. Oloore ofe,(The gracious god)
110. Olorun ife,(The God of Love)
111. Olorun ayo,(The God that gives Joy)
112. Olutunu,(Comforter)
113. Olubukun,(The blessed God)
114. Onise iyanu,(Miracle worker)
115. Onise ara,(Wonderful)
116. Onise nla,(Great God)
117. Mimo, Mimo, Mimo,(Holy! Holy! Holy)
118. Oba t'o ninu mimo,(Righteous God)
119. Oba alaya funfun,(Immaculate God)
120. Ologo meta, (The Trinity)
121. Olotito,(The Truthful)
122. Olododo,(The Truthful)
123. Iye,(Resurrection)
124. Aduro gboingboin lehin asotito,(Defender of the Truthful)
125. Imole ninu okunkun aye,(The light in darkness)
126. Alagbara l'orun ati l'aye,(Mighty in heaven and on the earth)
127. Oba ti nyoni kuro ninu ofin aye,(God who rescues from the dungeon)
128. Atofarati,(Our defense)
129. Atogbokanle,(The trustworthy God)
130. Atofokante,(Our Confidant)
131. Adunbarin,(Worthy to walk with)
132. Adunbalo, (Worthy to follow)
133. Adunkepe,(God you can call on)
134. Apata ayeraye,(The rock of ages)
135. Atobiju,(The Almighty)
136. Atofarati bi oke,(Our support and defense)
137. Apata wa,(Our rock of Ages)
138. Odi wa,(Our shield)
139. Alabarin aye wa, (Our companion)
140. Olupese,(Our provider)
141. Olugbega,(The lifter of our head)
142. Oluranlowo,(Our help)
143. Ireti wa,(Our hope)
144. Olu aye,(God on earth)
145. Olu orun,(God in heaven)
146. Oba ti gbobo oba nt'owo Re gb'ase,(Kings from whom kings take directives)
147. Adakedajo, (He who Judges silently)
148. Adajo ma fi t'enikan se,(The just Judge)
149. Oba ti kii s'ojusaju,(The just God)
150. Oba t'enikan o le pe l'ejo,(The king that can not be judged)
151. Oba aseyiowu,(Unquestionable God)
152. Oba tii s'agan d'olomo,(The God who opens the womb of the barren)
153. Abiyamo ode orun,(The great mother of heaven)
154. Atorise,(God who can turn bad situation to good)
155. As'oloriburuku d'olorire,(God who can remove the inadequacies from ones life)
156. Arinu r'ode,(God who sees the visible and the invisible,)
157. Olumoranokan eda, (He who sees the intent of the heart of man)
158. Oludamoran (The Great adviser)
159. Baba wa,(Abba father)
160. Ore wa,(Our friend)
161. Ibi isadi wa,(Our refugee)
162. Aabo wa,(our protector)
163. Oluwosan,(the healer)
164. Asoku d'alaye,(He who brings the dead to life)
165. Olorun alaaye,(God of the living)
166. Oba ti n p'ojo iku da,(God who can change appointment with death)
167. Oba ti emi gbogbo enia wa l'owo Re,( He who has the keys to our existence)
168. Oba ti nti t'enikan o lesi,(He who shuts and no one can open)
169. Oba ti nsi t'enikan o leti,(He who opens and no one can close)
170. Awamaridi,(Unsearchable God)
171. Eleruniyin,
172. Abetilukara bi ajere,(God who is all ears)
173. Aiku,(Living God)
174. Aisa,(Faithful)
175. Oba ti ki sun, ti ki togbe (The king that neither sleeps nor slumbers)
176. Oba onise nla,(The great worker of good)
177. Onigbonwo wa, (Our sponsor)
178. Olorun pipe,(Perfect God)
179. Olorun rere,(Good God)
180. Akiri s'ore,(He who goes about doing good)
181. As'ore kiiri, ,(He who goes about doing good)
182. Gbongbo idile Jesse,(The root of the tribe of Jesse)
183. Oba t'o f'oro da ile aye,(He that created all things by his spoken word)
184. Oba to ti wa k'aye o towa,(He who was in existence before creation)
185. Oba ti o ma wa nigba t'aye o ni si mo,(He who will remain at the end of all things)
186. Oloruko nla,(The great name)
187. Ologojulo,(The glorious God)
188. Emi ni ti nje Emi ni,(I am the I am)
189. Oba t'oni gbogbo ope,(He who deserves all praise)
190. Olorun t'oni gbogbo iyin, ,(He who deserves all honour)
191. Oba ti ko ni pin ogo Re pel’enikankan,(God that does not share his glory with any man)
192. Oba t'o ti wa, t'o si wa, ti o si ma wa lailai, (The God that was, that is and that will remain for ever)
193. Ibere ati opin,(The Alpha and omega)
194. OBA AKIKITAN,(Eternity will not be enough to praise and honour you, O Lord)
God Never Fails
Joshua 21:45
Joshua 21:45 Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass. (ESV)
Not one word of God's good promises has ever failed, not before the time of Joshua or after.
In the King James Version, Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
" God's word is trustworthy. His promises are true. What God says he will do, he willdo. The English Standard Version expresses this idea in 2 Corinthians 1:20:
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."
"I cannot fail Bcos God cannot Fail,For me To Fail,God Has To Fail.since God cannot Fail,I can not Fail.So Don't Expect me to Fail "
Joshua 21:45
Joshua 21:45 Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass. (ESV)
Not one word of God's good promises has ever failed, not before the time of Joshua or after.
In the King James Version, Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
" God's word is trustworthy. His promises are true. What God says he will do, he willdo. The English Standard Version expresses this idea in 2 Corinthians 1:20:
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."
When situation of life got you down and it seems all hope is over, My brother and sister just look up unto Jesus and he will save and rescue you from that situation. Remember the Children of Isreal when Moses lifted up the serpent , they that looked up to it were saved likewise the son of man ( Jesus ) had been lifted up look unto him and be saved.
Heb 12: 2
John 3: 14-15
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
7 types of Praise and worship
Foundation scriptures
1. Barak (baw-rak')–to bow down to, or kneel before, the Lord
Read Psalm 72:12-15.
How is faith reflected in this passage? _________________________________________________________________
Has the author experienced deliverance yet, or is it still to come? _________________________________________________________________
Can you claim this as a promise from the Lord for yourself? Why? _________________________________________________________________
How does this apply to you? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 103.
What is the overall feeling or emotion that David communicates through this psalm? _________________________________________________________________
What does David expect from the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How does David exhibit faith in this psalm? _________________________________________________________________
What promises does this passage include? _________________________________________________________________
How do the lessons in this passage apply to you? _________________________________________________________________
2. Halal (haw-lal')–to shine, boast, rave about, celebrate or even to be clamorously foolish
Read 1 Chronicles 16:4.
Why do you believe David sent the Levites to practice halal before the Ark of the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How do you think this affected the Israelites? _________________________________________________________________
If you were to practice halal, how do you suppose it would affect you? _________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 23:5.
What was the point of David appointing 4,000 Levites to praise the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How can this influence the way you worship the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
3. Shabach (shaw-bakh')–to shout loudly or command
Read Psalm 63:1-4.
Describe the attitude of David as he penned this psalm. Was he confident or contrite? Forceful or timid? Explain. _________________________________________________________________
Describe David’s relationship with the Lord? Did he feel close to the Lord or was the Lord a distant observer in his life? _________________________________________________________________
4. Tehillah (teh-hil-law')–to sing unrehearsed, unplanned praises
Read Psalm 34:1.
What does it mean to “praise the Lord at all times”? _________________________________________________________________
How can you implement this in your own life? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 40:3.
What “new song” has the Lord given you? _________________________________________________________________
5. Towdah (to-daw')–to extend or raise your hands in thanksgiving for something that hasn’t yet occurred or that you haven’t yet received
Read Psalm 50:23.
How would you describe a “sacrifice of praise”? _________________________________________________________________
Why would giving thanks be considered a sacrifice? _________________________________________________________________
Read Jeremiah 17:26.
What kind of worship sacrifice can you give? _________________________________________________________________
Why is giving so important? _________________________________________________________________
How are giving and worship connected? _________________________________________________________________
6. Yadah (yaw-daw')–to extend your hands vigorously as in complete surrender
Read 2 Chronicles 20:21.
Why is surrender so important in worship? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 9:1.
What does this scripture teach you about worship and telling others about God’s goodness? _________________________________________________________________
How does sharing your testimony affect the Body of Christ? _________________________________________________________________
7. Zamar (zaw-mar')–to touch the strings, mostly rejoicing
Read Psalm 150.
According to this psalm, where should the Lord be praised? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 92:1-3.
When is a good time to praise the Lord for His unfailing love? For His faithfulness? _________________________________________________________________
What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about praise and worship through this study? _________________________________________________________________
How can you strengthen or deepen your praise and worship time with the Lord?
Foundation scriptures
- “Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” –Psalm 63:4 (NKJV)
- “Enter…into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” –Psalm 100:4 (NKJV)
- “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.” –Psalm 134:2 (NKJV)
- “Let my prayer be set before You as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” –Psalm 141:2 (NKJV)
- “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” –1 Timothy 2:8 (NKJV)
1. Barak (baw-rak')–to bow down to, or kneel before, the Lord
Read Psalm 72:12-15.
How is faith reflected in this passage? _________________________________________________________________
Has the author experienced deliverance yet, or is it still to come? _________________________________________________________________
Can you claim this as a promise from the Lord for yourself? Why? _________________________________________________________________
How does this apply to you? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 103.
What is the overall feeling or emotion that David communicates through this psalm? _________________________________________________________________
What does David expect from the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How does David exhibit faith in this psalm? _________________________________________________________________
What promises does this passage include? _________________________________________________________________
How do the lessons in this passage apply to you? _________________________________________________________________
2. Halal (haw-lal')–to shine, boast, rave about, celebrate or even to be clamorously foolish
Read 1 Chronicles 16:4.
Why do you believe David sent the Levites to practice halal before the Ark of the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How do you think this affected the Israelites? _________________________________________________________________
If you were to practice halal, how do you suppose it would affect you? _________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 23:5.
What was the point of David appointing 4,000 Levites to praise the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
How can this influence the way you worship the Lord? _________________________________________________________________
3. Shabach (shaw-bakh')–to shout loudly or command
Read Psalm 63:1-4.
Describe the attitude of David as he penned this psalm. Was he confident or contrite? Forceful or timid? Explain. _________________________________________________________________
Describe David’s relationship with the Lord? Did he feel close to the Lord or was the Lord a distant observer in his life? _________________________________________________________________
4. Tehillah (teh-hil-law')–to sing unrehearsed, unplanned praises
Read Psalm 34:1.
What does it mean to “praise the Lord at all times”? _________________________________________________________________
How can you implement this in your own life? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 40:3.
What “new song” has the Lord given you? _________________________________________________________________
5. Towdah (to-daw')–to extend or raise your hands in thanksgiving for something that hasn’t yet occurred or that you haven’t yet received
Read Psalm 50:23.
How would you describe a “sacrifice of praise”? _________________________________________________________________
Why would giving thanks be considered a sacrifice? _________________________________________________________________
Read Jeremiah 17:26.
What kind of worship sacrifice can you give? _________________________________________________________________
Why is giving so important? _________________________________________________________________
How are giving and worship connected? _________________________________________________________________
6. Yadah (yaw-daw')–to extend your hands vigorously as in complete surrender
Read 2 Chronicles 20:21.
Why is surrender so important in worship? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 9:1.
What does this scripture teach you about worship and telling others about God’s goodness? _________________________________________________________________
How does sharing your testimony affect the Body of Christ? _________________________________________________________________
7. Zamar (zaw-mar')–to touch the strings, mostly rejoicing
Read Psalm 150.
According to this psalm, where should the Lord be praised? _________________________________________________________________
Read Psalm 92:1-3.
When is a good time to praise the Lord for His unfailing love? For His faithfulness? _________________________________________________________________
What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about praise and worship through this study? _________________________________________________________________
How can you strengthen or deepen your praise and worship time with the Lord?
The 12th chapter of Romans says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (verses 1, 2).
It says be transformed; be changed. That’s what we need today. Among young and old alike, we need a change—a spiritual change, a moral change. God calls on all of us to make a total surrender to His Son Jesus Christ.
If you want a change in your life, if you want forgiveness and peace and joy that you’ve never known before, God demands total surrender. He becomes the Lord and the ruler of your life. You’re surrendering all the time.
When I fly in an airplane and I sit down in the seat, I’m surrendering to that plane. Nothing I can do about it. I’ve been operated on several times, and I didn’t negotiate with the doctors. As they took the knives out and put the anesthetic in, I put my full trust in those doctors that they were going to do the right thing. God said, “I know the plans I have for you, … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).
That’s what God says. He’s not here to condemn you. He’s here to bless you and love you and take you into His arms and say, “I forgive you. I’ll change your life. And when you die, you will go to Heaven.” That’s what God is saying, if you will surrender totally and completely. But you can’t hold anything back.
First, surrender your mind.
Now, when you surrender your mind to God, it means not only what we think but how we think. Some think that when you come to Christ, you have to leave your mind behind. Our faith is not irrational. Jesus will stand the inspection of any scientist, mathematician or intellectual in the world. I read that by the time you reach college age you will have seen more than 200,000 television commercials.
You see, your mind is more than a computer. In a computer, the programs don’t get stronger the more you use them, but it’s not true with what you see and hear. What is repeated is reinforced in our minds. What we remember influences what we do.
The Bible says, “For as [a person thinks] in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). What do you think in your heart? What are you really like down inside? Television also creates a problem or a dilemma and then in 30 minutes neatly resolves the problem, and the viewer enjoys a feeling of release. But that’s not the way it is in real life. In real life, our problems won’t go away rapidly.
We’re conditioned to want things immediately, right now: “I want gratification now. I want my way now.” The Bible says, “Whatsoever things are true and honest and just and pure and lovely, think on these things” (Cf. Philippians 4:8). Is that what you think about? Good things? Or do you think about things you know are not right? The Bible says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind”—your mind—“is stayed on You” (Isaiah 26:3). Get your mind on Christ every day, all day long, because the devil is fighting for your soul.
There are two forces at work inside of you. One is satanic, and one is God. Don’t let the devil corrupt your mind. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5), the Bible says.
Second, surrender your body.
One of the great debates today is who owns the body. Doctors, lawyers, clergy, judges and juries debate the moral, ethical and legal sides of this issue. And the questions surrounding suicide and euthanasia and abortion center on the issues of who owns and controls your body. Who controls your body? The Bible says if you’re a Christian, your body does not belong to you. It belongs to God. And the Bible also says that it’s God’s temple. Your body is God’s temple, and He dwells in you if you really know Christ (see 1 Corinthians 3:16).
Bible says, “Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers … will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, NIV). In other words, you can’t go to Heaven unless you get it cleared up. And the only way to get it cleared up is at the cross where the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses from all sin. Jesus said,
“[You] must be born again” (John 3:7). You can start all over with a new life. He’ll forgive all the past and give you power for the future. Your heart can be changed. It’s changed through prayer. It’s changed by reading the Bible. It’s changed by listening to the Holy Spirit. Everybody is tempted. The devil tempts everybody, every one of us. I’ve been tempted hundreds of times; so have you. Temptation is not sin. It’s when you yield to temptation that it becomes sin. Christ died to give you a new heart and a new desire.
Third, surrender your will.
Before Jesus healed or helped people, He would normally say, “Will you? Are you willing?” And I’m asking you, will you surrender to Christ? Will you let Christ dominate your life and be the Lord of your life? Will you? That’s the question He asks. The Scripture says, “Whosoever will, let him come” (see Revelation 22:17). You say, “Lord, I will receive you into my heart tonight. Forgive me of my past, the things that I’ve done wrong.
I want You to give me a new direction in my life. I want You to fill up this empty place in my life.” Have you ever surrendered yourself unconditionally to Christ? Have you ever given Him your mind and your body and your will? When you come to Christ, that’s just the beginning because you must live for Him. And in living for Him, that means that the dominant feature of your life will be love. Whatever the color of someone’s skin, you love them.
You go out of your way to be friends with people of another race. That’s how you love. I hope that you will say, “I receive Jesus in my heart. I trust Him. I know that I’m going to go to Heaven because of Him. I know my sins are forgiven because of Him, and I’m ready to die for Him.” Will you do that?
An Attitude of Gratitude Most people would agree that we have a lot to be thankful for. After all, many of us live a lifestyle full of conveniences...
We live in comfortable homes, wear nice clothes, and have reliable transportation. • We have no shortage of clean water or healthy food.
We have access to quality healthcare and education, and basically live a good life with a lot of freedom, safety and security.
While it’s easy to take these wonderful blessings for granted—and begin to focus on what we don’t have—millions of people around the world live without the basic necessities of life.
I’ll never forget the time one of our sons went on a weekend outreach with a team of people to help the homeless. It was obvious that the experience touched him deeply. He called me and said: “If I ever complain again, please knock me down for being so stupid!” After he saw how some people were living, he was appalled at how he had complained about small things in his own life. Just think about it...
We can complain about trivial things like cleaning the house. However, those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean. Or have you ever complained about the regular costs of maintaining your vehicle? I’m sure we’ve all had our day ruined by an unexpected repair. However, a person without transportation dreams about having a car to drive. It is so easy to forget how blessed we are!
That’s why maintaining an attitude of gratitude is something we need to do on purpose. This “little thing” can make a big difference... I want you to try something. As you go about your day, make a point to be grateful for the things you may otherwise not even notice. For instance, I really like coffee. Sometimes I take a moment in the morning to thank God for this “little thing” that brings me joy and comfort. Or how about the blessing of having hot water? It’s something we can easily take for granted, but it makes our lives so much better!
As you begin to thank God for the seemingly small things in your life, it will help you to focus on the positive and everything you do have. As result, you will also be much happier! Invite God into everything you do... One of the best things we can do throughout the day is praise God while we work.
No matter what you’re trying to build—your home, your marriage, your business, financial security, or even an exercise plan—you can worship God as you work. At my conferences, I make sure to be in the service as soon as the praise and worship begins because I love to be in God's presence.
In fact, before I speak to an audience, I make sure I have entered into praise and worship. I want to fix my thoughts on God, thank Him for what He’s done in my life and for the words He’s giving me to speak, and I want to give Him praise for everything else He’s going to do. We need to praise God because we love Him. It actually draws us closer to Him, which helps us hear the Word clearly, receive it, and hold on to it through faith.
This will help you to see more clearly... Giving thanks throughout the day is simply a way to show God how grateful we are for who He is. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps us fully realize how He’s working in our lives, it gives us a new perspective—our mind is renewed, our attitude is improved, and we are filled with joy (see Psalm 16:11).
I am truly amazed at how two people can have the exact same circumstances, however one person can be negative, dissatisfied and hopeless while the other is optimistic and full of joy! Praise makes all of the difference. Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done for us lifts our burdens and causes us to see everything in a different light.
Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy…simply because God is good.
An Attitude of Gratitude Most people would agree that we have a lot to be thankful for. After all, many of us live a lifestyle full of conveniences...
We live in comfortable homes, wear nice clothes, and have reliable transportation. • We have no shortage of clean water or healthy food.
We have access to quality healthcare and education, and basically live a good life with a lot of freedom, safety and security.
While it’s easy to take these wonderful blessings for granted—and begin to focus on what we don’t have—millions of people around the world live without the basic necessities of life.
I’ll never forget the time one of our sons went on a weekend outreach with a team of people to help the homeless. It was obvious that the experience touched him deeply. He called me and said: “If I ever complain again, please knock me down for being so stupid!” After he saw how some people were living, he was appalled at how he had complained about small things in his own life. Just think about it...
We can complain about trivial things like cleaning the house. However, those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean. Or have you ever complained about the regular costs of maintaining your vehicle? I’m sure we’ve all had our day ruined by an unexpected repair. However, a person without transportation dreams about having a car to drive. It is so easy to forget how blessed we are!
That’s why maintaining an attitude of gratitude is something we need to do on purpose. This “little thing” can make a big difference... I want you to try something. As you go about your day, make a point to be grateful for the things you may otherwise not even notice. For instance, I really like coffee. Sometimes I take a moment in the morning to thank God for this “little thing” that brings me joy and comfort. Or how about the blessing of having hot water? It’s something we can easily take for granted, but it makes our lives so much better!
As you begin to thank God for the seemingly small things in your life, it will help you to focus on the positive and everything you do have. As result, you will also be much happier! Invite God into everything you do... One of the best things we can do throughout the day is praise God while we work.
No matter what you’re trying to build—your home, your marriage, your business, financial security, or even an exercise plan—you can worship God as you work. At my conferences, I make sure to be in the service as soon as the praise and worship begins because I love to be in God's presence.
In fact, before I speak to an audience, I make sure I have entered into praise and worship. I want to fix my thoughts on God, thank Him for what He’s done in my life and for the words He’s giving me to speak, and I want to give Him praise for everything else He’s going to do. We need to praise God because we love Him. It actually draws us closer to Him, which helps us hear the Word clearly, receive it, and hold on to it through faith.
This will help you to see more clearly... Giving thanks throughout the day is simply a way to show God how grateful we are for who He is. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps us fully realize how He’s working in our lives, it gives us a new perspective—our mind is renewed, our attitude is improved, and we are filled with joy (see Psalm 16:11).
I am truly amazed at how two people can have the exact same circumstances, however one person can be negative, dissatisfied and hopeless while the other is optimistic and full of joy! Praise makes all of the difference. Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done for us lifts our burdens and causes us to see everything in a different light.
Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy…simply because God is good.
Worship infinity
Monday, February 4, 2019
What does it mean to worship
From the Dictionary, it is the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
Cambridge dictionary ; to have a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or god.
Now as a Christian: what is True worship ? The apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12.1-2 " I urge you therefore brethen , by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice , acceptable to God wgich is your spiritual service of worship. A nd do not be conformedto this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Worship leading is ultimately this: Serving the body of Christ. The platform is NOT primarily the opportunity to showcase our skill but to serve God’s people with the song and sound of Heaven.
This passage contains all the elements of true worship. First, there is the motivation to worship< "the mercies of God". .. to be continue
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In John 11, we often celebrate the resurrection of Lazarus as if THAT is the pinnacle of the story. I submit that the miracle of Lazarus’s r...
Total Surrender The 12th chapter of Romans says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodie...